The cast of Roy High’s production of the “Pied Piper of Valley Junction” was on the stage and off again Friday and then on and off and on and off again twice Saturday. And they were delightful….especially when they were on.
Miss Grace, cast as a snotty, tomboy-ish teen (who wants to kiss a boy even though she thinks boys are gross), does a fabulous job both of playing an ornery adolescent (those Hislop eyebrows of her truly knit together at times as she scowls on stage) AND of portraying the tender relationship she shares with her grandmother. There are moments when she steals the show.
Miss Tanah, the play’s protagonist, is simply brilliant. She vividly portrays the chemistry that develops between her character and the male lead. She convincingly portrays the wrestle experienced as she grapples with her responsibilities as a dutiful daughter and her intellectual yearnings. And her portrayal of the heartache that comes when the hero leaves (and dies) is powerful, poignant, and completely NOT sappy. Oh my lands. OH MY LANDS! Beautiful.
Lance was probably the only one in the audience who wished the hero dead. His desires had everything to do with the fact the hero kissed Tanah (twice….passionately!) and nothing to do with either the actor himself or his character.
“The Pied Piper of Valley Junction is a beautifully written, sensitively portrayed story of love and hope and vision and empowerment. And you should see it if you have the chance. The closing performance is Monday, 2/22/16, 7 p.m. in Roy High’s Little Theater. Just sayin’…….
Cast on, cast off!!
A couple weeks ago Sara got her temporary cast off and was fitted with a removable splint, which she takes off at every opportunity (showering, writing, cooking, skyping with friends, day dreaming…..) J
Blast on, blast off!!
Under the tutelage of one the greatest young men’s leaders ever, Miles took a hunter safety course and is now a certified safe hunter. He is also certifiably gung-ho over guns. He traded the ping pong table he was promised for his birthday (but which had not yet been purchased due to a lack of affordable alternatives on ksl.com) for a real bb gun (which has been bought due to a plethora of affordable options at Wal-Mart).
Almost daily he takes the gun into the garden where he shoots at pop cans, chalk boxes, and the “rascally rabbit” that has made a home in our hay barn.
Shop on, shop off!!
Sara led us on an IKEA (a Swedish everything-you-could-want-in-your-house company) adventure. And what an adventure it was!! Holy cow! Touring IKEA is like hiking the Grand Canyon; it is a whole-body commitment, there are endless side canyons, getting lost is a distinct possibility, new wonders exists around every corner, and, unless you stray from the beaten path, plan on being part of a big crowd.
Under Sara’s tutelage, we totally enjoyed our IKEA experience….and it certainly was an experience. With Sara as our guide, we did it all from eating Swedish meatballs and split pea/kale soup to testing sofas and beds to racing shopping carts down aisles.
“Mom says I can never leave IKEA without buying something,” Sara told us. I understand why. There are charming, enchanting, unique, clever, cute, and often useful gadgets everywhere. True to Tina’s prediction, we did not leave empty handed. We brought home lingon berry jam (which Sara told me is not eaten on bread after I spread it on a piece of Michelle Drago’s homemade bread….), a red (Grace’s favorite color) dish scrubbing brush, six bars of Swedish chocolate (Elder Hislop, yours is in the mail….), and a frog-that-turns-inside-out-into-a-prince (which I gave to Lance because I love frogs and he is my prince).
Spirit on….and hopefully never off!
We took a chance and went to the Provo City Temple Open House without tickets. Turns out it was a successful gamble. We arrived at 8:00 a.m. on a holiday (President’s Day) and already there were hundreds of people in line. These people know how to do lines, though. Neither time nor feet dragged and we were in the temple much sooner than we expected.
As to be expected, the temple was beautiful. And peaceful.
God bless us all. May your lines be shorter than expected and your peace be longer than expected.
P.S. The lines to purchase tickets for “Pied Piper of Valley Junction” are very short!!