I know I am not alone in these feelings. My sister and my bonus sister have similar experiences…. Mother’s Day raises hopes that, on this one Sunday, things will be different—help with the meal, dishes done without nagging (or done at all), maybe a thoughtful gift or two—and too often it is not. It’s the expectation that hurts.... Making the Sunday meal by myself while the family sleeps is something I just do on all the other Sundays but, on Mother’s Day, it hurts.
Mother’s Day 2016 was typical for me….until I realized that Mother’s Day is a celebration of motherhood, not of me. And I am so grateful to be a mother. WHAAAA-WHOOOO! There is nothing in this life, NOTHING, that brings me more joy than being a mother. Motherhood is, without exception, the most heart –filling, soul-expanding, life-enriching thing I have ever experienced. When I redirected the day’s focus from myself (it’s not all about me….) to motherhood, the day’s feelings changed as well. Rejoicing replaced resentment. What a blessing it is to be a mother!!
And, at this time, I feel so blessed to be Tanah’s mother.
Our Miss Tanah graduated. She graduated from Seminary and she graduated from Roy High School.
In the testimony she was invited to bear at Sunday’s Seminary Graduation she said “Sometimes I wasn’t sure what the crap I was doing in Seminary” [I love her genuine candor] and then went on to testify of Seminary’s value. “I teach the Sunbeams now,” she told us, “and I am so grateful for the gospel foundation I got in Seminary.” I was so proud, so pleased, so blessed to be her mother.
White tassel on her cap (high honor roll) and no shoes on her feet (low happy toes), our Tanah walked in the Roy High commencement ceremony Wednesday. She sang in the choir and she smiled in the camera and she swelled the cavities of my heart. She is so beautiful, so talented, so gracious, so kind, so fun, and so, SO precious.
I am so proud, so pleased, and so blessed to be her mother. Graduation Day was, in a very literal way, a Mother’s Day for me…..a very happy Mother’s Day.
[Ope, I’ve made it all about me after all…..]