We walked nearly three miles, planted 30 large trees, hauled 40+ wheel barrow loads of mulch, picked rock, battled roots, and swept sidewalks and I only heard one complaint. One: "I wish there were more work for us to do."
Ogden City is officially designated as a Tree City, USA. To earn Tree City, USA designation Ogden must spend $2/capita on trees annually and it must host an annual Arbor Day Celebration. We, the OPA students, are their celebration. Each year our 8th graders plant their trees. We also constitute the audience for their ceremony, a 15 minute introduction of VIP's and the reading of the Mayor's Arbor Day Proclamation.
I walked 50+ Ogden Preparatory Academy 8th graders to Lester Park (24th and Jefferson) Friday where we planted trees in celebration of Arbor Day. By 11:00 a.m. we were done with everything the city thought would take us all day to accomplish. The kids took and early lunch while we tried to figure out what to do next...... Having planted all the trees we set to work beautifying the site. Students picked rocks from the flower beds, created protective "doughnut" rings around the newly planted trees, cleared the area of trash, and spread mulch under shrubs and over soil. By 1:00 even I could not figure out anything else for them to do. The task was accomplished. And that's when the complaining began. "I wish there were more work for us to do...."
Dang kids!!!
Disclaimer: All persons pictured have provided permission or parental permission.