Still waiting, the same scenario played out again, this time with a middle-aged, Latino gentleman. He struggled to figure out how to make an appointment with his phone so, again, I offered to help. Like the previous couple, he used my phone to make an appointment within 30 minutes. I felt pretty good about the experience until I realized that I had missed an opportunity to use Christ’s name. I brought light to those peoples’ lives but did not share its Source.
How to do that? What sequence of words could I use to let people know that it is Christ’s love they feel, not mine; that I am a nice person because of Him? Matthew 5:16 says "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." How do I let my light so shine in a way that glorifies God? Every sentence I composed in my head seemed awkward and laborious; something that would taint the experience rather than sweeten it. The good works I got. The glorify God, not so much.
Then I went on a field trip to the Mars Desert Research Station where I got some extra-terrestrial inspiration. I rode with Brent Hughes, father of one of my students and an all-round great human being. In the course of our 4-hour, car-ride conversation, I mentioned my dilemma. Brent said that his daughter, Maddie, says simply “Jesus loves you.” Perfect.
“Jesus loves you” is the sentence for which I was searching. Simple. Sweet. Strong. Said after an act of service, it will identify the Source, inviting conversation but not forcing it. PERFECT.
Jesus loves you. And so do I.