In his April 2023 Conference talk, Elder Gary E. Stevenson shared this quote: ” New Testament scholar N. T. Wright suggested: “We should be taking steps to celebrate Easter in creative new ways: in art, literature, children’s games, poetry, music, dance, festivals, bells, special concerts. … This is our greatest festival. Take Christmas away, and in biblical terms you lose two chapters at the front of Matthew and Luke, nothing else. Take Easter away, and you don’t have a New Testament; you don’t have a Christianity.”3” In the same talk he encouraged us to make our Easter celebrations and traditions as significant as our Christmas ones. He also urged us to read 3 N 11:1-7 as our Easter equivalent of Luke 2.
In response to his inspired message, we created EASTER: Let Christ's Light Shine pass-along cards that we will use to spread His light this season. We urge you to do the same.
Let Christ’s Light Shine
- Give someone a hug.
- Share your love of Christ with someone.
- Volunteer to serve.
- Apologize to someone.
- Laugh with a friend.
- Visit a widow or widower.
- Do an item on someone else’s to do list.
- Ask how to lighten a co-worker’s load.
- Send a photo memory to a loved one.
- Go caroling in the summer.
- Contact an old friend.
- Carry a snack for someone in need.
- Help a stranger w/ snow, lawn, or …..
- Stop for someone with car trouble.
- Give a sincere compliment.
- Help someone then tell them Christ loves them.
- Send a personalized thank you note.
- Host a game night for friends.
- Take a meal to a friend.
- Make a meal with someone.
- Let a stranger go ahead of you in line.
- Pay for the groceries, fast food, etc. for someone.
- Clean up trash in your community.
- Relive fond memories with a friend.
- Leave a kind note for a service person.
- Plan one-on-one time with family.
- Honor a loved one on social media.
- Express gratitude to the checker.
- Let someone be kind to you.
- Support a local business.
- Text a note of gratitude to someone.
- Make copies of this and give to others.
- Pray for someone by name.
- Offer to teach someone a new skill.
- Take a loved one on an adventure.
- Offer to babysit for a young family.
- Share a copy of this list.
Without Easter, there would be no Christmas.
(Image on banner attributed to: Image by <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/gradient-easter-sunday-illustration_12552692.htm#query=christian%20easter&position=3&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=f252a69e-3eca-411c-9f75-e6508bafaf56">Freepik</a>