Fasting, a voluntary abstinence from food and drink for 2 meals (or 24 hours), is an act of devotion and supplication practiced by many faith cultures. There are frequent references to fasting in the Old and New Testaments. Isaiah promises that “the Lord shall answer” the calls of those who fast (Isaiah 58:9). Christ started his mortal ministry with a 40 day fast. (Matthew 4:2) In the Book of Mormon Ammon and the sons of Mosiah “had given themselves to much prayer and fasting” (Alma 17:3) and Alma testified that he had “fasted and prayed many days” to know God’s truths. (Alma 5:46). In Matthew 17:21 Christ said to his disciples “..this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”.
“This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” These are Christ’s words. And President Nelson’s is an invitation to call upon Christ, in fasting and prayer, asking for His help that the COVID-19 virus “goeth out”. “In times of deep distress, as when illness reaches pandemic proportions, the most natural thing to do is call upon Heavenly Father and His Son,” President Nelson explained. “We still need help from heaven,” he said as he encouraged us to fast, pray, and unite our faith in a plea for healing throughout the world.
On this Good Friday 2020, this Friday, I will fast and pray with President Nelson and millions of other faithful followers of Christ that the pandemic be controlled, caregivers be protected, the economy strengthened and life normalized. Please join us. Unite your faith with ours in an appeal to the Master Healer for His help.