The transition of seasons brings a transition of window habits. They go from open only at night, to open all the time, to open only during the day, to not open at all. This week when the inside thermostat read 53 degrees and Miles asked if he could take a bath to warm up before going to school, I decided it was time to close the windows at night. Bummer.
Closed windows indicate others things as well. It is grape juicing season and my garden grazing opportunities are almost gone. This week I put 213 quarts of grape juice into jars and picked the last of my peppers. (I did not pick a peck nor did I pickle any…..) I can still graze a bit on figs, raspberries, and cherry tomatoes but those too will shortly be gone. Soon the only thing I will be able to eat when I go outside is sheep grain. (I suppose I could eat the chicken food if I wanted but it does not taste very good….).
Fall also brings the petting zoo to OPA. Oh my lands….Watching my city kids go from scared to touch a chicken, to petting it, to holding it, to catching it, to teaching others how to catch it is truly delightful. This year the proceeds from the petting zoo will go towards paying the the trailer we tipped on the Oregon trip. Speaking of the trailer, thank SO much to those of you who donated. In response to the blog plea, we received $1000 worth of love and support. I am so, SO grateful.