Gin made me look good. Honestly!
Here’s the story…..
Ginifer Watson, who served for nearly 10 years as a secretary at Ogden Preparatory Academy, made me look good….and not just when she stood beside me. [She is gorgeous so when she stood beside me the overall picture improved, believe me!] Gin made me look good because she did lots of work for my students and I got all the credit. It was a great gig…for me anyway!
Like the students of most teachers, my students submit assignments and take tests. However, unlike the students of most teachers, when my students earn 100% on a test or on a notebook, they get a post card in the mail that announces their accomplishment to their parents. The post cards are personal, colorful, and cheerful. Many, MANY are the students and parents who told me how meaningful the post cards have been to them. “My fridge is decorated with post cards from you.” “My mom took the post card to work to show her friends.” “My younger son is excited to take science next year so that he can get post cards like his sister did.” Gin made the post cards look great and the post cards made me look great.
Post cards are not all that Gin did for me. She printed certificates of award to be given to southern UT and Havasupai field trip participants, she organized the science fair—listing entrants, categorizing projects, and coordinating awards, and she ordered buses and lunches for me when I scheduled field trips, among a myriad of other things.
One of the myriad of other things Gin did for me was have my back. When the North Fork Environmental Center billed me erroneously for lunches Gin waved me off. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, “I’ll take care of it.” And she did. When I realized the day before a trip that I’d forgotten to order a bus “Don’t worry about it,” she said, “I’ll take care of it.” And she did. When my daughter ended up in the hospital and I needed a substitute “Don’t worry about it,” she said, “I’ll take care of it.” And she did.
Gin had more than my back, she had my heart. When that daughter was in the hospital, I needed more than substitute. I needed a hug too. Gin gave me both….and more. “I need my computer to make sub plans,” I told her, “but I cannot face seeing anyone right now.” “Don’t worry about it,” she said, “I’ll take care of it.” And she did. She met me in the lobby with my computer….and a hug…and a piece of her heart.
Gin, you have given me your heart and I want you to know that you have mine. Thank you for writing me sweet notes (I still have them) when I struggled with the reality of having to return to work after a summer with my family, thank you for always smiling and saying “What can do I for you?” when I asked if you were busy, thank you for bringing your husband to meet me at the faculty Christmas party when I was feeling awkward and slightly out of place. Thank you Gin. Thank you. And I love you. Always.