Miles labored on Labor Day. He pulled and weed-whipped weeds in Randee Mayes’ garden for a couple hours. Returing the favor (with 200% interest…she spend LOTS more time working for him than he spent working for her) Randee painted his room. He worked a couple hours doing work that would be paid minimum wage. She worked a couple multiplied by a couple multiplied by a couple plus more hours doing work that would be paid professional wages. No doubt who got the better end of the deal.
The results are magnificent….and amazing. Randee’s artistic talent is amazing as is Miles’ fanaticism. Green Bay Packers carpet, blanket, and wresting mask….Green Bay gloves and hat and socks….. Green Bay books and banks and bracelets….
And the fascination does not stop there. In the fall, it is all things football. He spends Sunday begging me to let him check the computer for scoring updates, Mondays and Thursdays he pleads to watch NFL games, Fridays and Saturdays he angles for the opportunity to watch college football games. BYU is a particular favorite. Friday he timed his homework to coincide with BYU’s game so that he was on the computer during game time and could frequently check the score. He also loves Roy High football; during home games he hangs out in the end zone with friends and the morning after away games the first thing he does is check the newspaper for the score. Tuesday and Thursday he plays on a city league flag football team. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays he begs to go to Noah’s house where they play….yep, football. Every day he checks the Internet for highlight videos, updates about injuries, and Fantasy Football standings. Visits to to see what is happening in the football world are also a daily occurrence.
Is football fascination a nurture or nature thing? It must be genetic as no one in our immediate family is possessed—at least not by football mania. I suspect it is a somehow transferred laterally via uncles. I remember seeing my beloved Uncle Warren watching BYU football on T.V. while listening to Conference on the radio and I know Miles’ awesome Uncle Chris spent considerable time in his youth with his eyes glued (figuratively of course) on a football game and a football glued (or at least clutched tightly) in his hands.
Whatever the case….nature or nurture, genetically predestined or environmentally influenced, Miles’ fascination with football is very real….and very strong.
Go Packers!