Praise ye the Lord!
Hallelujah for new life!
Hallelujah for fresh starts!
Hallelujah for lifted burdens!
Hallelujah for forgiveness!
Hallelujah for healing!
Hallelujah for inner peace!
Hallelujah for life after death!
Hallelujah for Him!!
Jesus Christ overcame death and was resurrected, and because He lives, all of us will live again. Because He lives, not just on the third day, but THIS day, every day, we can find Him.
Wherever he walked, wherever He taught, wherever He healed, He changed everything then everything changed.
And because He lives, if we reach out, call out, cry out, He is here…then….now…always. He is here during the good times, the bad times, the in-between times… No matter who we are or who we were, not exceptions, no lost causes, at all times, in all places, He lives today.
The text above expresses my feelings but the writing is not mine. I have copied the script from videos and animations found on lds.org. The words are powerful; the videos are even better. I highly encourage you watch them and promise that, if you do, it will make your Easter more meaningful.
And I encourage you to make your Easter more meaningful.
There is no more meaningful holiday because there was no more meaningful event in the history of mankind than the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fact that He died and that He lives, the fact that He died for us, for you and for me, and the He lives for us, for you and me, is the most important fact that ever was. It changes everything.
Because of Him, we can live again...and not just live again but live now. He said "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10) Because of Him, no matter who or where we are, we can have joy and peace and we can have it now.
And when you find Him, FOLLOW HIM.
Then joy and inner peace will be yours.