Who loved animals much more than hiccups.
They got a small pig
That they really dig
Who is orange and easy to pick up.
In the early spring, our neighbors Kunikuni sow give birth to about 8 darling piglets. Miles fell in love. In the late spring, he bought and brought Ginger, one of the piglets, to our home. Now all of us are in love. Ginger has the size, shape, and disposition of a giant pumpkin roll. Already she knows not to potty in her house. She also knows how to sit and beg....and talk. Oh my, how she does talk! She squeals and grunts and vocalizes whenever I enter the pasture....and continues to do so until I either give her a treat or exit the pasture. When she is not following me around, she is fraternizing with the sheep. She sleeps in the shed with them, snuggled between them in the straw, and grazes next to them in the pasture. She walks between their legs when they are between her and where she wants to go and she studiously ignores them when they try to push her away from the grain.
Kunikuni pigs are grazers. Ginger does not need grain though she is not aware of the fact. Kunikuni are also slow maturing. Ginger will not mature for 2 years though she does not know that either. (She thinks she is the boss). She is the star of the show, which she knows, and she will be on our place for a long, long time, a certainly she would take as a given, if she were able to think past her next treat.