Following are some quotes from great people, some of whom you may know and some of whom you may not. Some of them I know and some of them I do not.
“Are you pregnant?” our crusty-old-man neighbor asked me. Darling John is so generous, so concerned about our welfare, so beloved to us, and so, so consistently inappropriate. His next question to me was, “Can you get pregnant?” Oh my.
Chick and I are the same weight and height. We do not have the same body shape. (No one asks him if he is pregnant.)
Chick drove me up Ogden Canyon. The canyon was very scenic but not nearly so breath-taking as the drive we took on Interstate 15. The canyon drive did not reduce my life expectancy one bit.
Miles fell in the driveway and ran to my arms, seeking comfort. Lance, also seeking to comfort the child, asked “Where did you hit?” Miles looked at his father as if Lance were stupid’s dumbest cousin. “The ground,” he said. Duh.
David Shannon wrote a fabulous children’s book titled No, David, No! It is kindergarten level book about a Dennis-the-Menace type boy whose antics have him in constant trouble. [The book has been Mile’s preferred read for four years now.] We could write a similar book about our dog titled Stop, Zorro, Stop! The dialogue would go something like this…. “Zorro, STOP digging holes in the yard”, “Zorro, STOP peeing on the lettuce”, “Zorro, STOP climbing in bed with Grace”, “Zorro, STOP puking on the downstairs carpet”, and “Zorro, STOP, eating socks…and shoes…..and furniture….and Nerf bullets……and sanitary napkins”.
The No, David, No books ends with David in his mother’s arms, hearing the words “David, I love you.” Our Stop, Zorro, Stop book would probably end in a similar manner. Zorro ran five miles twice with me this week. He lets Miles sit on his tummy and hog tie his legs. He cuddles with Tanah. Zorro may not be the dog we would have chosen to love but he is the dog we are learning to love.
Tanah has spent every spare moment this week working on her EHS, online Earth Systems course, a full credit course (year-long in a regular classroom) which she must finish before Wednesday and which she really did not start until late July. She has learned a lot……….that El Nino is a quasi-periodic climate disruption that occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean, that too much fertilizer kills algae, that she does NOT like taking online courses, and that, when one takes a class from one’s mother, it is not so easy to B.S. one’s way through assignments. “I hate this,” she said. I am so pleased that she did not say, “I hate you.”
Here are a few quotes to end on.
“Just because you are offended, does not mean you’re in the right.” Ricky Gervais (Chick-fil-A!?!)
“Unexpected intrusions of beauty. This is what life is.” Saul Bellow (Sunrise, fresh cut alfalfa, singing birds)
“I personally think we developed language because of our deep, inner need to complain.” Jane Wagner (Children doing chores)
“They say marriages are made in heaven. But so is thunder and lightening.” Clint Eastwood (BOOM! CRASH!!)
“When you don’t know what you are talking about, it’s hard to know when you are finished.” Tommy Smothers (Some speakers in church…..)
“ My parents treated me like I had a brain—which, it turns out, caused me to have one.” Diane Lane (I’d like to say this applies to me!)
“The truth needs so little rehearsal.” Barbara Kingslover (Honestly is the best policy.)
“Satan can take anything—ANYTHING—and distort it to our destruction; family, Sabbath observance, even temple worship can be used to destroy us if it becomes all-consuming and replaces our worship of Christ. On the other hand, God, through the Atonement, can turn anything—ANYTHING—, no matter how horrific, how painful, how tragic, to our good if we will let Him.” Wright A. Noel. (AMEN and AMEN! And praise be to God.)
Love ya,