In the early evening, a group of excited kids and interested adults gathered at the stock trailer. The kids, 27 of them, drew numbers to determine their pig selection order; #1 got first pick, #2 second pick, and so on. Mr. Miles Hislop drew eleventh pick and selected a belted gilt. (For those of you who don’t speak pig that means he chose a female pig whose black body has a wide white stripe around the middle.) Mr. Cooper Hislop who is beginning his first pig adventure, was the twenty-third pick. He chose a white gilt. Miss Grace Hislop, veteran pig owner, drew out at #27 and did not need to pick. She took the last pig, a white barrow.
The three little pigs rode to their new home in the back of the Hislop van. (If anyone has a shell that fits a 2003 Ford F150 truck, please contact Lance Hislop. He is actively seeking one.) After a wrestling weigh-in (weighing pigs requires wrestling as it is not something they do willingly) and a lot of squealing (the neighbors came outside to see who the Hislops were torturing), the pigs settled comfortably into their new home.
The traditional three little pigs’ story ends with the pigs living happily ever after in a house made of bricks. Whoever wrote that story did not know pigs. A house made of bricks would not make pigs happy. This chapter of the three little pigs story ends with the pigs snuggled luxuriously in a bed made of straw….and they were very happy!
POST NOTE: The Hislop kids were very happy as well. They love their pigs. Miles spent both sessions of Saturday’s LDS General Conference watching Conference on a smart phone while hanging out with the pigs in their bed of straw.