What do I know today that I did not know a year ago? The new year brings new beginnings, new resolves, new ideas but what did the old year bring? Did I learn anything in 2013? Gratefully, the answer is yes.
In 2013:
- I learned how to text but not how to use Twitter. My niece, Morgan Housley, invited me to join her on Twitter and I have no idea how to do that.
- I learned that my parathyroid gland sits underneath my left collar bone, beside anhd slightly behind my carotid artery.
- I learned that my cell phone is very useful for texting, keeping contact information, and calendaring but it is a lousy planner. I have switched back to paper and pencil for my to-do lists and goal managing.
- I learned that this spring I will plant fewer tomatoes and more fruit trees.
- I learned that I can take parents and students on a field trip to Havasupai and enjoy the experience.
- I learned that global climate change is occurring.
- I learned that I am NOT sending 200+ Christmas cards next year. Too many.
- I learned that thick, high quality socks are worth the price one must pay for them.
- I learned that I love Zorro, the underwear eating, broken glass licking, too-dumb-to-let-himself-out-of-the-bedroom dog. Yes, it is true. His heart is good even if his brain is not. He has wriggled his way into my heart and will probably hollow out an increasingly bigger spot there. [NOTE: As if to test my new knowledge, he just puked a sock up on my carpet. What compels him to eat socks? I still love him but don’t like him much right now.]
Most of the things I learned in 2013 are not new; they are simply deeper; I know them MORE than I did before. Things I know MORE in 2013 include:
- I know that I love Primary. The “I-do-not-like-children” woman that I used to be is gone; I love working with the children in Primary. Church meetings fly by; every Sunday is a delight. I dread the day that I am released from my calling in the Primary and forced to return to adult classes. May that day be a long time away!!! [NOTE: I am still immune to the charms of infants and most toddlers.]
- I recognize that I love my job. Seriously. I mourned when I had to return to the work force; leaving the sanctity of my home seemed a tragic thing. Being a mother is still my principle responsibility and my greatest joy but this year I realized that being a teacher is also a great source of joy to me. The students and staff at Ogden Preparatory Academy enrich my life in ways that I never imagined possible. As I was watching “my” boys (male students that attend my science class) play basketball against SAA I realized that I loved, truly loved, every single one of them, even the one who makes my life easier when he is absent. Love is a blessing and I love my job.
- I know more the power of personal revelation. God hears and answers my prayers. He sends insights and inspiration. He guides my life to the degree that I invite Him in. I have felt His guidance and I feel His love. I know that I am one of His daughters and that I am pursuing a path that pleases Him.
- I know, more deeply than ever before, that I love being a mother. Our children bring joy at levels I never knew existed before I became a parent.
- I know, also on levels I did not know existed, that I love Lance. He is bedrock to me; constant and foundational, he is a beloved and vital component of the life I am building.
- I know, more than ever, that I love writing. One of the joys of writing is know that one has readers. Thank you for reading my writings. You bring me joy.
What do you know today that you did not know a year ago?